Haligovce is an agricultural village situated in the valley of the Lipník and the Lesniansky Creek, at the northern slopes of the Spišská Magura mountains, 11,5 km south-east from the town Spišská Stará Ves. Palaeolithic as well as Neolithic remains were found in this area (Beech culture). The existence of the village is documented since the 14-th century. In the 15-th century followers of a reformer Ján Hus settled down on a field close to the village. After several fights the village was abandoned and became property of Cartesian monks from the Červený Kláštor (Red Monastery) in 1523.
Local population consisted mostly of farmers, shepherds, woodcutters, weavers and tinkers. They produced whitewash and squeezed flax oil.
Many of its suburbs (altogether about 50) kept its original name up to present day - such as: Bednáre, Diera (Hole), Jezovka, Špirky (in the Lipník valley) and Grešikovia, Hercov Dvor, Jiruše, Penkalovka and others (in the valley of the Lesniansky Creek). In the village you can find old houses with steep shingle hipped roofs.