It is a protected natural monument situated at the territory of the Pieniny National Park. It is a complex of limestone cliffs and scree with very rare flora and fauna. There are many groups of stone towers such as (Biela, Červená, Sovia, Končistá, Hrubá), dry karst valleys (Široká, Hlboká) and limestone slopes in the typically rocky relief especially at its the southern and south-western slopes. There you would find lots of cavities, hollows and caves. The most famous is the cave Aksamitka in the Červená skala (Red Rock), Brestová diera (Brest Hole) at the Biela skala (White Rock) and about 30 m long Zbojnícka jaskyňa (Bush-ranger Cave) below the Hrubá skala (Thick Rock) - which can be easily identified according to its 5 m high “stone window” called Zbojnícka brána (Bush-ranger Gate). Smaller hollows and caves are the remains from larger underground rooms that swamped down.
The caves were known to the local population already in the early Middle-Ages.